What If I Still Listen To Satanic Music As A Believer?
According to you Pastor Schimmel is it possible and same keeping listening [sic] secular music like Classic Rock or Hard Rock/Metal bands while being fully aware and conscious of the meaning of certain lyrics from certain Metal bands for instance Metallica or Pantera?...
Secular Music, Movies, and Books
If Secular Music is Bad, What About Movies or Books? Good Fight’s Response: If what you are meditating on and being entertained by are the very things that God hates, at what point does it become a sin problem? How many of your favorite TV shows glorify...
Why Do You Charge For Your Products?
“If this was such a "good fight," then why are you selling the "good word" for $29.95? Isn’t money the root of all evil? If you were so concerned about this "fight" then you’d disseminate the information for FREE, or at least...
You’re Just Judging
“I must say that this site is truly pathetic; yet that is exactly what I would expect from Christian fanatics. A web site with page after page of passing judgements on others…does the word hypocrites mean anything to you? Or a quote from that famous literary...