At some point in life it seems that everyone will hear the familiar phrase “Rock and roll is the devil’s music” or some variation of this infamous statement. Some of you may have laughed when you first heard this type of claim or perhaps still laugh when you hear it. I must admit I found it humorous when I first heard it as a teenager just getting into the music of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and the likes of these groups. Once into these groups, I had to be honest with myself and as a result I found myself seriously pondering the possibly.
Well if you’re at the point of pondering the possibility or simply wanting to understand our position on the issue please continue reading.
I must begin by pointing out that we at Good Fight Ministries do not claim that all secular music is of Satan or, in other words, demonically inspired. What we are saying is that music can be demonically inspired – in fact we go on further to point out those artists that are clearly inspired demonically. However, we ask that you not just take our word for it, rather the “artists” own words, as in most cases they themselves admit to supernatural influences and then, of course, you have those that outright admit to satanic influence.
In order to understand our position one must realize that we use the bible as our ultimate source of truth. So if you are reading this and profess to be a Christian then we should, thus far, be in agreement as to what should be used to base truth on.
About Satan, the scriptures say,
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. –1 Peter 5:8
It’s no secret that Satan is out to deceive and destroy as many people as he can. But the question is, why would Satan use music? Well the following scriptures, pretty well sum up the answer.
Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, And the sound of your stringed instruments; The maggot is spread under you, And worms cover you. How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! –Isaiah14:11-12
You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes Was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your trading You became filled with violence within, And you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the fiery stones. –Ezekiel 28:13-16
The above scriptures clearly reveal to us some facts about Satan:
– Satan is a fallen angel (Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:14, 16)
– Satan clearly has natural musical abilities (Isaiah 14:11, Ezekiel 28:13)
No doubt this clarifies the understanding as to why Satan would utilize music as an avenue in deceiving humans. Music is a natural ability of Satan. He’s a musical being and he has extensive experience having used it to worship God before his fall. It’s no wonder we find musician after musician influenced supernaturally when it comes to music. Our prayer is that people would realize the powerful influence Satan has over much of today’s music, as the scriptures above reveal.
Then, the Gnostics come for them, using cult programming techniques to make them think words mean something different than they do, and try to convince them that the wicked are trying to save people! “Abortion” means sin, not babies. The Bible is a “gun.” Demonic psychic sex is *just* good vibes from love, etc,etc, and it’s all your fault for being confused about words because you are a dualist in the Matrix (God’s world where He placed you). The end game is to commit soul suicide by thinking you are leaving the matrix. Gird up against these mind kontrol tactics!
Good stuff
I can attest yes it is possible that we can get creativity and inspirations from demons in that they can simply whisper in our ears and if we are not careful we can take their words as our thoughts. My testimony is that I had a very bad Hentai and masturbation addiction that the LORD (Yah in Hebrew) brought me out of when I came to faith in Jesus. But even after that my mind always seemed to drift to memories of those Hentai that I had to struggle to not masturbate to them almost every night. For three years this went on until I came to a deliverance Ministry video about demons and casting them out. I prayed with the Video and at that very night my mind never drifted to those thoughts the same again. This is also when I became more aware of Spiritual Manifestations. While I have left Deliverance Ministries because I think there may doctrinal problems to say demons can live in our flesh, but the apostles and disciples never told believers to cast out Demons. Whether the demons were just playing games with me or not, the fact is it proved to me those excess memories of Hentai my mind drifted to were demonically influenced.
We really do need to test and check out thoughts because yes demons can influence them, and we can take their words as our thoughts if we are not carful.
Listen to the actual content of the music. It can give false hope, premarital sex as a good thing, weed, drinking above and beyond all of this Satan also uses songs, lyrics and even hidden messages in music as well as movies and such.
I am one who use to listen to everything under the sun except true worship music.
When I was first saved and really didn’t allow myself to dig into this topic, I thought it was ok or cool to listen to the world stuff or even watch what I wanted to because of being saved or knowing the Lord. But I found as time when on and took on just watching and listening to things that were biblical I found that after a short time my mind and whole perspective on life started to change. Granted, I am still tempted by Satan in many other ways and sometimes I can’t avoid it. But the end result is what we put into our minds that is what we are.
Hi. I am a musician. I have experience with everything related except being rich and famous. Music is indeed very powerful. As powerful as it is subtle. Over the latter half of the 20th century, the music industry was in a position to make millions of songs. It is absolutely undeniable that it had an influence. Billie Eilish is among the current generation of those who write songs glorifying evil. Think of it as a multi-phase plan. Think of Elvis shown from the waist up on the Ed Sullivan show and now how you have literal satanic rituals being performed on stage at the Grammy’s and Superbowl half time events. It was very easy to see it in bands like Slayer and King Diamond. Now it is subtle because the music is not only in the heaviest of metal. Rather than forbid, I encourage you to study, pray, and communicate with your daughter. Warn her. Encourage her to not take drugs. Be the best influence you can and be honest. I have been listening to the Doors since I was 3. My parents took away my music when I was 10 to 13. Of course I snuck it when they weren’t around – but it always made me wonder why they were so concerned about it. Be calm about it. Good Fight has a LOT of material recorded that can effectively explain the roots of all of it. Learn that Rock music was all about rebellion. That has been accomplished. The current phase is *complacency* and an increased exaltation of what is clearly occult and evil. We are still getting it in the same blues melodies. It’s just that now the music sucks because machines are doing it more than humans. There are certain songs I now no longer allow myself to listen to because it bothers me more than it entertains me. I can’t really say much more here other than God bless you. Be honest and patient with your daughter. Encourage communication. Pray.
My daughter has been listening to a 17 year old girl by the name of Billie Eilish and I just recently listened to her music to see what she sang about. My daughter is saved by the blood of Jesus but at the same time, she is 15 and very vulnerable. How should I handle this situation? She seems to be very infatuated with this girl who sings songs about “Bury a Friend” and even worse, “My Lucifer is Lonley”. Please pray for God to help me in this situation. I refuse to let satan take over my children!!
The holy spirit probably doesnt indwell her because demons are What attract people to that music
This is not true. Please be careful with statements like this. If I were to play you “Thank You” by Led Zeppelin or “After Forever” by Black Sabbath and you didn’t know who they were and merely read the lyrics, you would think they are very *good* songs coming from a good place. On their own, they certainly are. But connected to those bands and the bulk of their material, you would be confused that they are mixed in with songs like “Houses Of The Holy” and “Killing Yourself to Live”. And those are the old bands. NEVER MIND Ghost or Billie Eilish.
That’s ridiculous ! Are you suggesting you’re not tempted nor do you sin? We can all become under in influence of Satan!
I agree 100% that satan deceives people into worshiping him through music.He cast spells on them and open up their body’s spiritual doors for demonic possession.Put the music off and see what happens at any party the world gives ,the mind control stops and people go home.Put the music on and the atmosphere gets demonised.
I begin to wonder what role demonic music will have in the end times. If Satan will use counterfeit signs and wonders to deceive people into worshiping his man, the Antichrist, then it’s only logical to believe that he will use demonically inspired music for that end as well. If that conclusion is scripturally valid, the implications are terribly frightening. Keep up the good work.