One of the delusions that we will clear up at the outset of this article is the lie that leading Satanic cults do not believe in (or truly worship) the devil. First of all, it should be understood that Anton LaVey (pictured above), the founder of the Church of Satan, viewed Satan as a true entity that he actually worshiped before his death. Anton LaVey deceived a lot of people who joined the Church of Satan by claiming that Satan only represented the repressed forces of nature but was not a real entity. In my interviews with former Charles Manson family member Susan Atkins (who is still in prison after being convicted of eight murders), she blew the lid off of Anton’s lie. As a former associate of Anton LaVey’s, who danced for him and spent personal time with him before joining the Manson family, Atkins was privy to conversations with LaVey before he became popular. Atkins told me repeatedly that while LaVey promotes a watered down, palatable form of Satanism to the ignorant masses which he is deceiving, he acknowledged the exact opposite to her and to his inner core of Satanist’s in the church of Satan. Susan Atkins shared with me that LaVey had told her emphatically while she was in his home that they truly worshipped Satan as a real entity and as the one who began the initial rebellion against God. Atkins also stated:

Susan Atkins
We have pictures of Atkins with LaVey in his ritual chamber when she associated with the Church of Satan. LaVey was aware that few people were ignorant enough to truly turn their lives over to Satan, knowing that they would not only be allowing themselves to be deceived by their worst enemy, but that they would spend eternity in the fiery torments of hell. LaVey therefore presented a seeker sensitive, user-friendly form of Satanism in the hopes that it might appeal to the masses he was seeking to deceive. LaVey sought to put a spin on Satanism as a kinder and gentler form of Devil worship, claiming that Satan merely represents a “force in nature” and that rather than Satanist’s sacrificing animals and little children they are animal activists who love children. All of this was done to garner unwitting recruits. For starters, one should never trust a Satanist. Satanist’s view lying to be among their highest virtues, as do true Christians truth. LaVey and other Satanists serve the one who Jesus repudiated as “The father of lies” (John 8:44). It would be just like the father of lies to cloak his religion in non-reality. Satan has long been about deception and has successfully deceived many recruits into believing that they are simply worshipping a symbol rather than a reality. Satan relishes in such ignorance. Atkins’ testimony that LaVey was deliberately duping Satanist’s in the outer circle is corroborated by evidence from LaVey’s own admissions. LaVey let his guard down when responding to other Satanists that considered him “not extreme enough”. LaVey, while in a defensive mode, admitted that the image that he presented publicly was deceptive, declaring:

Anton LaVey
Purposeful deception is needed among leading Satanists to enslave those who they recruit as unscrupulous and unsuspecting pawns who feel more comfortable believing Satan is a symbol or force. Few Satanists realize the evil intentions among the inner core of Satanists and how they view lower initiates as mere puppets to be used and later discarded. Those in the higher echelon of the movement are often aware of the nature of Satan and the demonic realm that they serve. Notwithstanding, they are often bound and blinded on another level because they have become addicted to the power that Satan deceptively promises. Kenneth Anger, who was a cofounder of the Church of Satan with Anton LaVey, used a similar spin on Satanism, as did LaVey. Kenneth Anger stated in the 1960’s, in his film, Lucifer Rising, “Lucifer is the light god, not the devil,” (From the jacket of the film Lucifer Rising). This delusion that Lucifer is really the God of light and not Satan should not surprise us as God’s word warns that Satan himself “masquerades” as an “angel of light” to draw the unsuspecting into his evil web and that his agents do the same:
“And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Kenneth Anger
It appears that Marilyn Manson is merely playing the same mind game with his fans as did LaVey and Anger. Besides following LaVey who deceived his followers, Manson admitted, “I’ve taken a lot of my inspiration from Kenneth Anger.” Sadly, while the leaders among Satanists realize that Satan is for real, many who swell the ranks of their churches have been duped into believing that they are in some nature religion. They are taught that either a real Satan does not exist or that hell will not be all that hot. This, of course, is sheer non-sense! Anton LaVey himself was severely deceived as he stated in his Satanic Bible that he would reign with Satan in hell. LaVey now realizes he was the most deceived of all. The Scriptures are clear that Hell was created as a place of torment for Satan and his angels (Matt 25:40-43). Moreover, God’s Word declares that Satan will be stripped of his power and rendered “weak” and “covered with worms.” Satan will be rendered one of the weakest and most pathetic beings is the universe, an object of ridicule and scorn by those who were deceived by him. Those who have been deceived by him will marvel that this once powerful fallen angel has been rendered powerless and will mock him as a “carcass trodden under foot” in their torment (Isaiah 14:9-19). So even leaders in the church of Satan who are deceiving their initiates are themselves deceived, believing that they will have some place of power in Hell. As the apostle Paul prophesied:
“Evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (2 Timothy 3:13)

Richard Ramirez
“We believe that this quality [to oppose God’s natural order] in the human soul that makes it different from all other life forms…was deliberately inculcated in humanity in its distant evolutionary past by an active agency that is acting in defiance of the universal norm [God’s moral law]. And that agency has been caricatured…as Lucifer, as Satan, and in the greatest antiquity by the ancient Egyptians as Set.” (Ibid.)

Michael Aquino
We have already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Aleister Crowley was not only a confessed Satanist, but that he was the father of the Hippie Movement from which popular New Age teachings first became entrenched in Western civilization. (See our expose on Aleister Crowley.)
Almost gasping for air, Winfrey declared in response to Aquino’s assertion:
“Well, the way you explain this is the way a lot of people who are into metaphysics now and the New Age movement and New Age thinking, they say the very same thing. Are you saying that it’s the same?”
Aquino, without skipping a beat, said “Yes” to Winfrey’s question, implying that New Agers and Satanist are on the same wave length in their rebellion against God and in their quest to achieve god-hood as they follow in Satan’s footsteps. He only clarified that most New Agers are not aware that they have joined a satanic rebellion against God and that Satanists know what’s going on. Aquino stated:
“Yes, except that I would say we [Satanists] have a more precise grasp…We would say that we understand what’s actually happening a little better than many New Agers.”
Much to Aquino’s chagrin, the Temple of Set would find out that even as debauched as the world has become most people are still smart enough not to knowingly serve Satan and end up spending eternity in hell. After bringing Satan out of the closet, The Temple of Set failed to enlist the large amount of recruits they apparently hoped for. In their failure to acquire more recruits they changed their method of evangelism and returned to a formula more in keeping with that of the Church of Satan. Today the Temple of Set, like the Church of Satan, espouses a more palatable, seeker-sensitive form of Satanism so as not to scare off potential recruits. The result is that Satan is once again cloaked in ambiguity and the song remains the same as inner circle initiates are deceiving outer circle initiates.
Winfrey was surprised that Aquino, as a confessed Satanist, would try to deny the hard facts of the evil behind Satanism when Aquino stated that they as Satanists have “nothing to do with evil,” she said:
“It’s just difficult for me to understand that the devil is a good thing…that Satan isn’t evil, which is the opposite of what everybody in this world has been taught…”
Winfrey went on to exclaim:
“In every state of the nation authorities are investigating some form of what they call satanic activity…Children are telling the same stories about infants being murdered before their eyes in strange devil rituals. The list of bizarre stories goes on and on.”
Not surprisingly Aquino tried unsuccessfully at this point to put another typical spin on Satanism by claiming that they are not into such things. Even as leading Satanists like to hide the fact that they are truly worshipping Satan, so it is that they seek to deny that Satanists sacrifice humans, including children. The truth of the matter is that Aleister Crowley, whom Aquino acknowledges, had an incredible influence on Aquino and the Temple of Set, and not only taught his followers to engage in child sacrifice, but admitted to sacrificing scores of children himself. We have fully documented this fact in our exposé on Crowley. After Aquino made the false claim that Satanists don’t really sacrifice children, a law enforcement officer spoke up and stated:

Anton LaVey
At this point the investigator held up a satanic bible. In the Satanic Bible LaVey, in seeking “not advance things in print which make my position untenable” lest he find himself behind bars, stated that his followers were to commit human sacrifices by proxy:
“We perform human sacrifices, by proxy you might say—the destruction of human beings who would, let’s say, create an antagonistic situation toward us—in the form of curse and hexes, not in actual blood rituals because certainly the destruction of a human being physically is illegal.”
Note that the only reason LaVey concedes that he is not publicly advocating actual physical human sacrifice is because it is against the law, implying that if they could get away with it they would do it. In fact, LaVey takes credit for the death of Jayne Mansfield, her boyfriend and Lawyer Sam Brody, stating that it was a result of a ritual curse on Brody, and Mansfield happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. LaVey also believes that he was responsible for the Manson family murders. Manson was heavily influenced by the satanic cult known as the Process. The Process also acknowledged that Satan is a real entity. Their particular twisted spin, in an effort to get unwitting recruits, was not to pretend Satan was not a true entity, but to claim that Satan was actually a Jesus-loving devil. The Process claimed that Jesus and Satan had reconciled and that all would work out well in the end for everyone, including Satanists, because Jesus had supposedly forgiven the devil. Ridiculous as this spin was it proved successful in garnering more than a few recruits. The bodies have piled up and the idea that Satanism is not behind the deaths of countless multitudes of innocent people is a lie only believed by the incredibly naive. Manson, who was a confessed Satanist, was responsible for up to 35 murders if the admissions of some of his former followers are to be believed. Charles Manson, whom Marilyn Manson cites as one of his preeminent inspirations and a brilliant philosophers, has stated, “Jesus Christ is for real and so is that other guy [i.e. Satan].” Charles Manson knows that Satan whom he serves is a real entity and has been more candid than has his follower Marilyn Manson.
Son of Sam who was part of a Process coven made up of 22 Satanists and connected to several other satanic covens also murdered several people at the direction of the coven. We show his videotaped admissions in our video They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll (full length version). Richard Ramirez, who followed the Satanic Bible, met with Anton LaVey before his satanic killing spree killing 20 people. Ramirez even went so far as to torture his victims and made some “swear to Satan.” Between Manson, Son of Sam and Richard Ramirez alone, we have dozens of murders in the name of Satan. We could easily add to this list – case after case that could easily fill a book – but we have more than sufficiently made our case for those who will honestly look at the evidence! We have now seen conclusive evidence that the most influential and notorious satanic leaders have had a campaign to dupe their followers into becoming unwitting followers of Satan himself. We have seen not only their admissions, but the deceptive web they have spun to prey on outer circle initiates.
Dear reader, if you have been deceived by any of the aforementioned Satanists, we plead with you to recognize the magnitude of the deception at hand. We plead with you to recognize that which is obvious to all of us who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Jesus Christ promised that he would not cast away any that would come to Him (John 6:37). Turn to him now before it is too late. Your life is very short and Satan is playing for keeps and your soul is his prey. Wake up and turn from these demonic parasites that prey upon your souls and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ who loves you and died for your sins so you would not have to go to hell. It is not by accident that you are reading this article. God is seeking to use this article to open your eyes to a deception that has deceived you for too long. Do not bet your soul on Satan, he is the ultimate loser! Don’t gamble, you will surely lose! The odds are too great, the stakes are too high and eternity is far too long. Cry out to God right now and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you do He will miraculously deliver you from demonic powers. He will deliver you from Hell and give you a new destiny. He will deliver you from the penalty of death and give you new Life. Hope to see you in heaven!
How do we get evidence that Atkins actually said this in interview? Was it recorded on audio? Also the quote of Levay? Is it heresay or do we actually have the evidence? There’s a quote of Levay going around about Halloween and found was not true. No evidence he said it. I don’t doubt the evil but I don’t want to look a fool when I present this article and I’m returned by a “where’s the proof they said this”?
Regarding Susan Atkins, it was a personal interview conducted by Joe Schimmel himself. As for Anton LaVey, which quote are you referring to? There are attributions in the article for the quotes used.
I’ve been searching for this interview for a long time, please could you tell me where could I find it
These people have sold their souls to the Great Deceiver and turned their back on God. On their last day they will find out just how wrong a path they chose however that point they long passed the point of no return.
Eternity is a very long time to endure torment in hell, where Satan will NOT be your friend.
Is there any info about the current and ongoing revelations of Cabal? It’s sinister and even seems to include people who tried to discredit Satan worship over the years to include Oprah.
My boss with Pacific Gas and Electric Company in the San Francisco Bay Area Steam Generation Department was a Freemason and a worshiper of Lucifer. “Not Satan”, they said. Laughable. I will laugh at him, when I see him next on Judgement Day. The temptation to laugh will be too great.
Our desire should not be to laugh at someone on the road to eternal separation from God, but rather our desire should be that they know and follow Christ as their Lord and Savior. Let us pray that your boss comes to the saving knowledge of the truth before it’s too late. Perhaps you have been placed in a unique situation to be a witness to your boss (Romans 10:14).
=Love, Truth, in Action brother is the way. We all were lost one day until Christ changed our life. I used to be heartless with the truth but that is not who Jesus is. We don’t want to be like the Pharisees with inward attitudes that displease the Lord. The Christian life is impossible to live. Only He can through us. God bless, Dennis.
I think you could say the same for many religious denominations, churches, secret societies, political parties. At the top, they are secret Satanists, they don’t tell that to the lower recruits. The lower recruits are useful idiots and pawns for their money, donations, offerings, etc.
That is true to the emergent churches, but not so much to the old time gospel churches.