While all the fuss about Beyonce’s latest visual album, “Lemonade,” has been, “Who was Becky with the good hair?”, (reportedly speaking of someone her husband committed an extra-marital affair with), one thing that might have been missed was the fact that Beyonce does a spoken word performance where she makes mention of using the Bible as a Tampon!
“I plugged my menses with pages from the holy book
But still inside me coiled deep was the need to know
Are you cheating on me?”
(From the song “Denial” by Beyonce)
Unlike Job, who regarded God’s word with more esteem than his necessary food (Job 23:12), Beyonce denigrates God’s word and uses it to describe cleaning up her menstrual cycle!
In the same performance in which she states:
Confessed my sins
And was baptized in a river
Got on my knees and said, “Amen”
She states with obscurity:
And said, “I mean”
I whipped my own back
And asked for dominion at your feet
I threw myself into a volcano
I saw the devil
I grew thickened skin on my feet
I bathed in bleach
Only her and God can truly know exactly what is meant by these lyrics, but what can be known for certain is that anyone who would speak of God’s word like that is no friend of Jesus. For Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” To be born again is to be born by what God has declared as His imperishable seed “for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is,through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter 1:23). Which is why, in my personal opinion, in the being born again experience, there is brought about a love for God’s word that was not once there. As the Psalmist sang, “How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103).
One interesting point that can be made is the fact that the very way she describes God’s word is actually how God describes our good works. “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rag” (Isaiah 64:6). The meaning being similar to how it is used in Ezekiel 36:17, Leviticus 15:33, 20:18 and Lamentations 1:17 to describe a literal unclean rag or an unclean person. While she uses God’s word as this rag, God describes her good works as the filthy rag. All of the giving to charity, all of the good works that one can do will never build a pathway to heaven. A person who does a good work outside of Christ does so in vain. If one would read God’s word rather than ridiculing it, a person may find the words of everlasting life!

But this is seemingly more than par-for-the-course when it comes to Beyonce and her husband, Jay-Z, who can be seen in our video “Beyonce, The Super Bowl, Sasha and Satan” wearing a sweatshirt with Satanist Aleister Crowley’s maxim, “Do What Thou Wilt” emblazoned across it. Not only is their music more and more profane and perverse, but their Satanic ideologies have been easier to see with each album. If it isn’t Jay-Z’s song, Lucifer, where he sings that the devil had a “righteous cause for sinning,” it is Beyonce dressing up like a Hindu goddess in the latest Coldplay video (which can also be seen in our video “Beyonce, Coldplay the Super Bowl and Satan”).
What makes me tremble before God is the thought of these people, along with millions of others, who will ultimately come to a place of bowing down, and will do so when it is too late! For God has declared that “at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:10-11). But I will yet hold out hope for those who are lost. I know and believe in God’s word with all confidence, and I trust that He is not slow concerning His coming. But as His word says:
“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
Don’t be enamored with the celebrities of our day, but renew your mind in who Jesus is and meditate on His word. We are a people of Jesus’ own possession and we are to be zealous for good deeds and deny all ungodliness, such as the music mentioned above!
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, 12instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, 13looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, 14who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds.” (Titus 2:11-14)
I follow one of God’s prophets on YT…her demise has been announced, for God will not tolerate her sins, satanism and sorcery anymore…she has filled the cup. She will therefore die young, and her death will be more of a shock than the ones of Michael Jackson and Elvis.
It makes you realize when you see something like that how valuable your soul is I wouldn’t trade places with her for nothing in the world although she got more money if she knows what to do with it she got Fame and she got talent I would not trade places with her for everything she’s got
We must pray for her soul. And pray that she repent. Also pray for. Her follower. For they do not understand. What is happening with this young lady. And what is going to happen. To her soul.
It so sad that Beyonce and her husband Jay Z sold they self to the devil.I pray that GOD forgive them because they do not know what they are doing.HELL IS REAL. And what they are doing is purchasing there ticket straight to HELL. GOD IS the creator of the universe. And they need to ask GOD for giveness.
Beyonce is of her father Satan, John 8:44. You can’t excuse what she said, and you can’t say she’s expressing what she was going through at the time, we all go through our ups and downs but not to the expense of blasphemy. God didn’t cause her to sell her soul to Satan, she choose to do that for fame and fortune and be assured Satan will come for whats due him, I just pray it’s not to late her to repent of her sins and ask the Lord of Lord’s and the King of Kings for forgiveness….
Beyonce and her husband are disgrace to society. To think that young people look up to her no example and her little daughter maybe she’ll change your mind one day if the Lord decides that he’s in control. She must repent otherwise her and will be terrible
One thing I note from God’s word: We are all sinners! The same grace we give we will receive. As a Minister, I know we shouldn’t gossip about others.
But we can pray and fast for her. First, we must pull the beam out of our own eye.
Maybe a great article about her will suffice. I will write one. Let’s speak the word of God over her!!!
Let’s speak his tender mercies. Glory Hallelujah!
Remember Jesus loves her a whole lot! He died in the cross for her! So no matter what we think He is there for her and the last thing he wants is for some one to ridicule, accuse, and tell on her!
Satan specializes in that!
Be blessed and think about my words. Gossip is an abomination it’s in the book or proverbs!.
I can’t imagine where I would be if God counted every foul word that slid out of my mouth. Especially in my wild days. But as a Christian I know that gossip is even worse💕🙏
Your Sister in Christ,
The information we expose is based on careful research and facts, using their own words and actions. We are following Ephesians 5:11’s admonishment to expose the unfruitful works of darkness. As long as these artists and entertainers are leading people away from the God of the bible and to an eternity in hell, we are called to warn others, while at the SAME TIME praying for them (which we always do); praying that their eyes would be opened to saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so they can be set free from the lies of the enemy. God bless.
Yes we truly need to
Pray for her
But I read in N I V version in the Bible
God will NOT
Forgive a person if that person
Blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit
And especially if you know better
So I really don’t think she knows any better
I think she doesn’t know what she is saying
I Pray that she doesn’t know
Will forgive her
I know she have to REPENT
We all have too
Because we are Born into a World Of SIN
Especially when we come into the Knowledge
Of Wrong and Right
We all will give an Account for our own Actions
When we Stand before GOD in
His Only Son Name JESUS
What is Blasphemy
A great Disrespect shown to God or to something Holy or to something said or done that shows this kind of Disrespect
The unforgiving SIN
Is described in the
Bible as
Blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit
( Matthew 12:31
( Mark 3:29
( Luke 12:10
Remember please we must and should
Pray for one another
Because rather we Believe it or Not
One day
And SOONER than we think
Our TIME down here on this
I belive the title
( LEMONADE ) Refers to / life gives you lemons / make lemonade . But its deeper . Her point is / life is hard so she did what she had to / just like if life gives you lemons ///
EXCEPT in this case / life is hard – so she went to the Devils team . For money / fame / and all that glitters . And when people judge her . She says hey / when life gives you lemons .
LOOK /// If you talk about the BIBLE in the manner that Beyonce has / she has no shame / she is not humble and she is not a good wife nor is she a child of GOD .